Study abroad

In light of its international focus, the Master's degree programme in International Relations provides enrolled students with a wide range of options, in terms of foreign institutions where they may follow part of their studies and take exams, in the context of the Erasmus+ Programme. Erasmus+ funded scholarships may be available.
The Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies (DILHPS) - which is responsible for the Master's degree -collaborates with several partner Universities in France, Spain, Eastern Europe (mainly the Czech Republic, Poland and Lithuania), as well as in Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Norway and the United Kingdom. Moreover, thanks to specific arrangements with some Turkish Universities, students will have the chance to experience life and study in a stimulating cross-cultural environment.
While staying in a partner University, students will be able to pursue their studies, in particular in the fields of International Relations, International and Comparative Law, Public and Private Law, History of International Relations and Politics.
The procedure for the recognition of exams taken abroad consists of two phases: a) before the student leaves, a 'Learning Agreement' will identify the courses that he/she is authorized to take abroad on the basis of the student's preferences and subject to the agreement of each Professor; b) upon the student's return, the University of Milan will recognize the exams included in the 'Transcript of Records' provided by the partner University and convert the grades received by the student.

Extra Erasmus/Extra-EU

International Mobility and Promotion Office

Information and appointments
Contact Center – InformaStudenti

Erasmus+ at Political, Economic and Social Sciences

Information on contacts, informative meetings, selection interviews and rankings for each Faculty or School.

Go abroad with Erasmus+

See  competition announcement, deadlines and all the information for Erasmus+ application on the University website: Erasmus contribution, prior to departure, during the stay, returning to Italy

Sportello Erasmus DILHPS

Dott.ssa Marta Marchetti
First floor - Department of International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies
Via Passione 13 

wed and thu from 10.00 to 12.00
Tel. +39 02 50321024

Professor responsible for Erasmus and International mobility DILHPS
Prof. Piero Graglia