After graduating

Careers services

The University of Milan offers its students information and assistance to enter the labor market.
More specifically, our Study and Career Guidance Centre (COSP) provides information concerning internship and entry-level positions (from internship offers and presenting applications to serving internships with institutions and private companies).

University students and graduates (of not more than 12 months) who are interested in applying for an internship with an institution or company can consult job notice board and submit their curriculum from unimia - student portal.

Students and graduates seeking a job can also take advantage of the COSP through its Almalaurea service . The service, which is also run by the COSP, is accessed by companies that are looking for personnel, and allows graduates to publish and update their curricula in order to provide a complete picture of their academic and professional profiles.

The database also contains the information that is available from the University’s official archives (personal information and academic records, including thesis title).

Students and graduates can add details about their knowledge of foreign languages, computer knowledge and professional experience and aspirations.

University of Milan students and graduates can consult job and internship offers by institutions and companies from unimia-student portal.

For more information

COSP (University Study and Career Guidance Service)

Professor responsible for Post-graduate guidance: Dr. Simone Dossi

Continuing studies
Postgraduate schools

Programmes lasts at least two years, and between 120 and 300 credits are required to obtain the specialisation qualification.

Vocational master's programmes and advanced courses

Vocational masters provide graduates with additional specific expertise in order to increase professionalism.

Doctoral programmes (PhD)

Postgraduate university programmes providing specialised training to those who wish to undertake advanced research.

Find a job
Career guidance

Guidance services for students and recent graduates

CVs, job offers and internships

Online services to facilitate the encounter between students, graduates and the business world