Careers and employment

Career-wise, the International Relations graduates acquire the knowledge that allows them to pursue careers in international and supranational organizations as well as in diplomacy, in national and multinational companies active in foreign trade, in public and private institutions active in the field of development cooperation, and in national and supranational financial institutions.

A. Diplomacy and International Organizations:
1. Diplomatic career
2. Regional or universal intergovernmental organizations
3. National or supranational legislative offices
4. Policy making

B. International trade and European integration
Companies involved in international trade
Credit institutions and financial intermediaries, insurance companies
Management and business control
International organizations involved in international trade
Customs services

C. International Politics and Regional Dynamics
Analysis and Research - Strategic Political and International Legal Studies
Study centers of multinational companies
International rating agencies
Study offices of trade associations
Italian or foreign public and private research institutes

E. International Cooperation and Human Rights
Intergovernmental organizations active in the field of development cooperation
Non-governmental institutes operating in the field of international cooperation
Humanitarian assistance, immigration management
Cultural exchange and promotion

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)

Professor responsible for Post-graduate guidance: Dr. Simone Dossi


Il corso dialoga con il territorio attraverso consultazione con le organizzazioni professionali, produttive e di servizio - a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale.