All information on the University website
- Requirements to sit course exams and other verification test
- Exams - What do you have to bring with you
- Register for an exam
- Exams results
- Exams record and registration in the student's academic record
- Exams - new attivation
Contact Registrar for problems related to exams registration and record
When registering for an exam, students are asked to express their personal opinion on the teaching quality of the course attended by answering to an online survey
- each course requires a single survey to be filled preferably before the course ending date
- Completion of the survey is mandatory in order to register to the exam
- Complete anonymity is guaranteed
Registrations for exam sessions start fourteen days before the date set, not including Saturdays, Sundays and any holidays. The deadline for registrations is four days before the exam, not including Saturdays, Sundays and any holidays.
To be able to sit an exam session, you must register within the deadlines. Students who are not registered cannot sit the exam
First year students can register for exams only at the end of the quarters in which the course is delivered (regardless of the date when teaching was concluded).
The exam schedule for the entire academic year can be consulted on:
- Lezioniunimi app
- Timetable website
Below you can find the exam sessions already available on Unimia - Exam registration