Notice board
The Bianca Pomeranzi Prize (henceforth PBP, or Prize) aims to facilitate the construction of a living, on-the-ground legacy of Bianca’s work and political engagement with women and for women’s rights in Italy and around the world. Please see the attached info. Deadline: 1 April 2025.
The list of courses offered by the University Library Service in spring 2025 is now online.
We have launched the student survey for Academic year 2024-2025. Please check the notice detail for further information.
The Italian Society for International Organisation - SIOI - offers the opportunity for young university students to carry out a curricular internship in the area of Analysis and Research. More information is available on the dedicated page.
The University of Milan offers the entire university community hygiene and first-aid products, such as band-aids, sanitary pads, disinfectant and sterile dressings. These products are given out for free on a need basis, upon request.