Soft skills
Soft skills are skills that are not tied to a specific occupational field, but can be applied across all professional careers. A typical example would be interpersonal and communication skills. Students can complement their academic studies with training in soft skills.
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During academic year 2024/25, students of the Master's degree programme in International relations can earn university credits (CFU/ECTS) by attending the following courses:
- Sustainability and sustainable development (3 CFU) - basic course (Laboratory)
- Sustainability and sustainable development (6 CFU) (Laboratory)
- Comparative law, sustainability and food safety (Elective course)
- Art, culture and organized crime (Laboratory)
- Organized crime and research methodology (Laboratory)
- Societies, rights and environmental crime (Laboratory)
- Equal opportunities and scientific careers (Laboratory)
- Gender based violence: an interdisciplinary approach (Laboratory)
- The instruments of gender equality (Laboratory)
- Women's time (Laboratory)
- New public governance and co-production of Public Services (Laboratory)
- Patenting and technology transfer (Elective course)
- Data visualization narratives (Laboratory)
The above-mentioned courses may be included in the study plan as “further elective courses”.